WIDE Some technical infos of da 2SH9Intro1 ----------------------------------- Subtitle 1: 3Hardware Failure - Zuru Lametation1 Subtitle 2: 3Volume Empty is full!1 Source: 84851 Byte Code & tables: 20118 Music data: 39750 (7168 song + 32582 sample) Grafix data: 136024 ------ 195892 Crunched exe: 102448 Used mem: $20000-$7fffe Showtime: kábé 55.4 sec Dedicated to: Viti, Rack, Jean, Silver, Bart & sp. for all Absolute! members. Code + Music + Gfx by ADT! * Yellow Heads (Technoheads) by Bart/ISCH Crew. 3Get our style... 2since 1879...1 I want 2THANK YOU1 all who loved this intro, and all who wrote me their opinions! This gives me a big kick to make more amazing productions... See you soon! yours: ADT/Absolute!